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Reading Time: [est_time] "What's it like to work with such a big personality in the wine world?" "She's actually fantastic and listens to input and gives some flexibility in the cellar," answered Ettore Rizzi. He's a fiery ambitious man who is deeply involved with the production at


Reading Time: [est_time] This is a confession, I love Portuguese wine. Maybe it’s the unique grape varieties, perhaps it’s the high quality to price ratio, or maybe it’s the people. Portugal is home to almost 250 native grape varieties. Thanks to the centuries-old wine culture and to


Reading Time: [est_time] Visiting an old friend. That's what if felt like to revisit the Fruška Gora region and the Vojvodina Wine Show 2019 in Serbia. Fruška Gora was the first region Charine and I visited in the Balkans. You can get a glimpse of our first


Reading Time: [est_time] In December of 2018, we attended James Suckling Great Wines of Italy Hong Kong, an event that we had been looking forward to for a long time. The Hong Kong event was the second stop on the James Suckling Great Wines of Italy


Reading Time: [est_time] What a year. 2018 marked our fourth year as location-independent entrepreneurs and our third year in the wine industry. While the first two years seemed like a constant struggle for acceptance into this new world, 2018 was dancing to a different tune---we


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] In 1976, Englishman Steven Spurrier organized a blind tasting, pitting Napa Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay against top-notch Red Bordeaux and White Burgundy. When the final scores were tallied, a Californian wine came out on top in both the red and white categories. The


Reading Time: [est_time] In February 2018, Charine and I attended the Wine Writer's Symposium Meadowood in Napa Valley. The symposium coincided with the week of Premiere Napa Valley. The biggest reason I wanted to attend the events was to check off a few wish-list wines that