Home / Vineyards and wineries (Page 10)

Reading Time: [est_time] Over ten years ago, I had my first Greek wine, an Alpha Estate, 'Hedgehog' Xinomavro. It captivated my palate back then and started my Greek wine journey. Greece has a long history of production, dating back to at least 2000 BC. In the 20th


Reading Time: [est_time] It's no surprise that we love Italian wine, from all parts of the country. In recent years, I've traveled to some lesser-known parts of Italian wine country including Valle d'Aosta, Puglia, and Sardegna. However, outside of Montefalco Sagrantino, Umbria still remains a blind


Reading Time: [est_time] Some grapes just speak to you. For me, that grape is Sangiovese. I love it in all forms, especially in its spiritual home of Tuscany. This 'blood of Jupiter' (where the name Sangiovese originates from) creates the great wines of Chianti Classico, Brunello di


Reading Time: [est_time] Delicious Italian wine at affordable prices. Over the years, we've been making frequent trips to Friuli-Venezia Giulia, where we've gotten to know Damiano Meroi. He comes from a winemaking family and is passionate about great wine. We were instantly drawn to his enthusiasm for


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or both of us. The featured wines can